Monday, June 27, 2005

Lexi and Ashlyn June 2005

Well I wish I could get a good picture of Lexi but every time I try she makes a face or the flash gets her upset so here is a couple that came out ok.

This was her first day at church
She is a great sleeper just like her dad. she is sleeping about 6 hours at night. I love her for that!
He was trying to take a nap with her but she wanted to be awake instead!
Ashlyn LOVES to play with daddy's hat's.
She also loves to ride the horse with grandpa.(grandma makes her wear that silly hat!!)
This is ashlyn's first time playing in the new sprinkelers. she had been playing in the rocks before the water came on and when her face got wet she tried to wipe her face off but got even more dirty! she loves the water though, she went stright for it before mommy could get her clothes off!