This Christmas Jesse's aunt Angie bought the kids there outfits as there presents which I was so greatful for. I hate having to choose because they are all so pretty. This will be the only picture you will see of me on this blog untill I get the baby weight off so enjoy!! I love the picture of Jesse and Carter. He is such a little man I love it. Thanks again Angie the girls loved the dresses!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Christmas picture (almost)
Posted by Chelsea Wallis at 12/23/2008 10:33:00 AM 6 comments
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Just Carter
Juat a quick video for Grandma and Grandpa!
Posted by Chelsea Wallis at 12/09/2008 02:19:00 PM 3 comments
OK so I thought that Lexi would be a little older before she would want or be able to handle getting her ears pierced, once again she suprised me. For the last few weeks she has been talking about getting earings. So I talked to her about it for a while and she decided that it was ok if it hurt for a while and as long as we got Ice Cream after she was good with it. So yesterday we took a trip to the mall and here is how it went.
Posted by Chelsea Wallis at 12/09/2008 02:07:00 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 08, 2008
First HairCut
I Finally did it! I cut Kimber's Hair. With the first two girls I was not all that sad to cut off there baby curls but with Kimber I was. So here are just a couple of pictures of that sad first cut. I am just glad it turned out cute!She was so short we had to get two boosters.
this is Shannon the hair dresser
Posted by Chelsea Wallis at 12/08/2008 08:51:00 AM 1 comments
Sunday, November 30, 2008
First Snow
As most of you know I am a born and raised California girl. I lived there for 22 years and then moved to Arizona of all places so my expericene with snow has been limited to a few trips to Big Bear and Juliann. I have been really nervous about moving to Missouri because of my limited knowledge and starting today i am going to be tested. Jesse had to work this morning and before he left he came in to tell me that it snowed and he tried to wake the girls so he could show them their frist snow but they would not budge. I looked out the window in our room first and it was really pretty. When Ashlyn came in to my room I told her there was a surprise outside. I took her to the kitchen where there is a window that looks out into the backyard and she was so excited to see that it had finally snowed! we have been talking about it for weeks now!! so here are some pictures of our morning.
Back Window view
Posted by Chelsea Wallis at 11/30/2008 10:56:00 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Finally an update
OK......So it has been a long time since I have updated this blog so here I go...
We have had a lot happen in the last month. it's not so much that i have been super busy but that i feel like I have writers block. I feel like i can't express well enough how i feel about it all, so forgive me in this blog but i just have to get this over with.
I guess the biggest thing to happen is our move to Missouri. Jesse and I went back and forth for a while about what to do and we finally made a decision that brought us to Missouri. For those of you who dont' know, Jesse grew up here and all his family still lives here. Back in June we had to make a very hard choice and that was to file for Bankruptcy and close our business. We just lost momentum with the housing market slow down because all our builders just could not find the work any more. So we closed up shop. Whatever we could not sell we packed up and left. Jesse's Grandma generously offered to let us stay with her since she lives by herself and that is where we are now. Jesse has applied for a couple of jobs and we hope to hear something soon. We do have one big problem now however. when we packed, we could not fit everything in our 20 foot trailer, because it was to heavy. Jesse had to unload some stuff and his tools were part of that. He had a plan to go back with his dad and pick up the rest of the stuff but a few days after we got to Missouri my dad went to the Arizona house to check the mail and the house and found all of Jesse's tools gone. It really sucks because now all plumbing opportunities out here have been taken away and he has absolutely no tools
Anyway.......So we are here in Missouri living with his grandma but everyone is happy and healthy and we like our new ward and that is all that matters right?
Here are some pictures of other little things that have happened in the last month like Halloween, and the zoo and the kids playing outside here.
Backyard of Grandma Hetty's (Missouri)
Carter helping me unpack
Ashlyn at the Children's museum in PHX
We couldn't go to the zoo with out any accidents right!!
Posted by Chelsea Wallis at 11/25/2008 07:28:00 PM 2 comments
Monday, September 22, 2008
7 1/2 months old!!!
THEY ARE ALWAYS ON THE GO!!!! (except right now, Dora's on!!! my 30 mins of free time)
Posted by Chelsea Wallis at 9/22/2008 01:05:00 PM 6 comments
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Our Projects
Posted by Chelsea Wallis at 9/18/2008 01:18:00 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Kimber's Birthday
Kimber is Finally 2! I think she has had the terrible 2's for the last year and now I have an excuse as to why she is so grumpy! I has nothing to do with how spoiled she is right (wink wink!!) Happy Birthday Kimber we Love you!
I was so lucky to find this Barbie. Ashlyn has it in Pink and Lexi got the purple one for her b-day so to find one in blue was great!!
Posted by Chelsea Wallis at 8/19/2008 01:03:00 PM 3 comments
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Summer Fun!
This summer (as i am sure it is for the rest of you) has been a summer of staing close to home and just hanging out. The gas it takes to get anywhere is just to much so we have been staying home and the girls have had a lot of swim time thanks to my broher getting into a house with a pool. Special thanks to Papa to for working with the girls in the pool. With two other kids that need all my attention it gets kinda tricky to do these kind of things!
This is about as far as Kimber wants to get in. She's just happy watching everyone right now!
Look Lexi looks happy!!! Actually she really loves swimming.
Ashlyn being a monkey!!
Posted by Chelsea Wallis at 8/14/2008 12:52:00 PM 1 comments
Friday, July 25, 2008
the other video of carter
While I was waiting for this to load, Lexi came to me to get the knots out of her Junk Roke (jump rope) i tried to tell her how to say it right but she insisted on calling it junk roke!! I had to write it down because those are the things I want to remember.
Posted by Chelsea Wallis at 7/25/2008 04:51:00 PM 1 comments
Here is a quick video of carters latest trick. I had another video of carter trying to chase kimber but it was to long and so the file was to big but it was so funny! it's almost like he's a person now!!!
Posted by Chelsea Wallis at 7/25/2008 03:19:00 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 14, 2008
Ok so yesterday at church during sunday school, Carter was playing on the floor and made his way to the chair in front of us. he started gumming the leg of the chair so I picked him up to rub his gums for him and guess what I found?!! A tooth! a sharp little poky thing right there in his mouth. so I am excited . He is so much like Ashlyn in so many ways that this just adds to the list because she had two teeth by 6 months and I did not even know she got her first tooth because she never showed signs of it.
Posted by Chelsea Wallis at 7/14/2008 10:35:00 PM 1 comments
Saturday, July 12, 2008
They get so big so fast!
Ok, so haveing four kids that are so close in age should be fun and exciting right? well it is, dont get me wrong but can I say it is a whole lot more work! I have some pictures here to just show SOME of the crazy things I see and have to put up with. I will have to explain some of them so bare with me!
Ok This first picture is a reproduction in a more safe environment. I gave the girls baggies of cheetos the other day and of course Kimber took hers into the living room and dumped them all on the floor. well Carter was playing on the floor at that time too and just llike a fly to honey he goes to the cheetos. Now you might be thinking, what how did he do that? Well carter is now 5 months and now he flops him self all over the the place like a little seal and sits himself up. Yes pretty soon she will be full on crawling. so anyway he gets to the cheetos and before I can get to him he has it in his mouth. now cheetos desolve pretty well and quick so i kinda just let him suck on it to see what he would do. He loved it. I took the chunk out of his mouth before he could sollow it but i had to get his first people food on camera so I put him in his high chair and gave him another one. OK this picture of Kimber I had to edit a little bit. She is wanting to potty train and keeping clothes on her is so hard so needless to say she was naked. The girls are big into coloring right now so they were all out in the living room coloring. I was walking back and forth putting things away when I walked by a glanced at the table and kimber was sitting there watching me walk by with a huge smile and this in her nose. it took me a second to realize that she had a crayon in her nose but i took a detour grabbed the camera and cought this picture! this is not the only thing she has ever put in her nose either. we had to get the tweezers a few weeks ago and get a pink bead out.
This is just of her using the potty. I am trying to make it a big deal when she goes and this kinda stuff helps.
I love her exression here. she is doing the typical mom reaction. thinking that if she opens her mouth it will help him! Right after this picture was taken she got some of te food on her hand and it grossed her out and she quit!
Posted by Chelsea Wallis at 7/12/2008 02:31:00 PM 3 comments